This page is for miscellaneous musings and quick grab it type stuff. Here I will talk about some misc. topics and place links (and downloads) to misc things. Hence the title of Misc page.

Ok here's the first thing. These stupid banners. No, I don't mean the ones on my site, I trade those for free disk space. I mean this WARNING ad. The "Wolf Cry" Act is getting close to passage for Codus Rogerus. This law would, when I become dictator, ban all ads which pretend there is an emergency of some sort. For now join me in NEVER buying anything from a company that uses this type of ad.
Number Two: What is the deal with this computer? It has a CD-ROM and a hard drive but where is the floppy? No floppy drive? Ok I can deal with that but there is also no CD-RW just a regular CD. I have just one question, "WHAT DO YOU WRITE TO?" What if you want to take a file from work to home or vise versa? What if you want to backup a file? What if you want to bring some picture from your house to Kinkos tot print them? Are they insane! (That was a statement not a question.)

Horror Movie Rules Evil Overlord Rules .pdf D&D
Character Sheet
What to do and what not to do in a horror movie
What to do and what not to do if your an evil overlord
comming soon, and you can enter data in it before printing!
25k .Doc 44k .doc  

Also goto my links page
Buy your computer supplies and equipment from them    
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