Bable Fish (Translations)
Need to translate a phrase into/outof English? Just type in English and it translates into the language you want. Works in reverse too! Of course it must use phonetic alphabet so Russians right out. See, once again the need to learn a language besides English is defeated. Americans are doing just fine.
Cool Archive
My favorite spot for downloading FREE stuff. Great for fonts!
Of the online map sites, the best. I find Street Atlas USA software better but this is free. Also topograpic maps. And they offer arial photos of the mapped location.
Also topograpic maps
Find what movie is playing where. Search by Zip is best
Urban Legends Reference Pages
Posted by the San Fernando Valley Folklore Society. This place is great! It discusses many legends and either debunks them, proves them or declares that there are not enuf facts. They site sources. Great for responding to stupid emails you get.
Web Graphics on A
Budget Great site for graphics for your page
Bonzi Kitten
And don't we all! By the way if you can't tell this is a joke, and apparently some people can't, you must be one sick puppy. (Pun intended)

Frei* Email Accounts
Ok these are Frei Email accounts. Be sure you watch those check boxes on the registration. They will try to sneak junk mail into you. In fact I recommend not using Yahoo as they won't let you forward without taking junkmail.

Things You Need
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Free! Acrobat reader lets you read .pdf files. This tool is how people send information to other via the internet. You find pdf documents all over the web. Download this to use them.
Zip Program
Free! Some files are too big to download. They are zipped (compressed) for downloading. To uncompress them you need an unzip program. It also zips for you.

*Frei (freeee) is defined as free with strings attached or conditional freedom. Free means you can walk up and take it. Things You Needlink General Links Home Game Links Military Links