Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

-Star Spangled Banner

"He is not escaping us, This is a guy who three months was in control of a country. Now, he's maybe in control of a cave. "

Light fighting remains in Afganistan. The Bush Administration is building support for anti-Iraq measures. I want to put in my prediction of how we'll go in now so I can say I told you so. We will send tough new inspection team into Iraq, Iraq will kick them out and we will give an unmeatable demand and then fight when they refuse.
This is Syria's big moment to gain control of the Arab movment. If they can join us in the right way they can end up not only with Lebanon but also part of Iraq as well.

The Isreali/PLO problems have been stealing alot of the news so Ive added an Israel page to the links above as well as Iraq.
Note additions to the BBC below.
Iraq under construcion


12/28/01 Well Ive finally added some new stuff. Even if you were in a cave you should know that after Mazar-e-Sharif fell the Northern and Easter Alliances snowballed their offensive into almost total control of Afghanistan. Afganistan has a new interm government led by Hamid Karzai (right).
King Mohamad Zahir Shah will call a Loya Jirga (tribal coucil) and elect a short term government, within six months, to write a constitution (hopefully 3 seperate but equal branches but most likly a parlement. You know where there are 345 differnet parties and you can vote to remove the PM at any time and the executives cabinete is made up of people from other parties). More below

White House Website

Federation of American Scientist website on Terrorism. As usual excellent links
War on Terrorism
Taliban Weapons
US Department of State
Counter Terrorism Office

Excellent site for information
General on the War
The UK Evidence on Laden Military info & Equip
  The BBC on Iraq  

United States Military Sites