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2700-2000 BC
Old Kingdom Egypt
Mycenaen Civilization in Greece
1550-1000 BC
New Kingdom Egypt
The New Empires
Assyria, Babylon
Rome Founded
626-539 BC
Babylonian Empire
Greek Civilization
146-59 BC
Collapse of the Republic
53-53BC The FirstTriumvirate
48-44BC Rule of Caesar, Emporer
27 BC-14 AD
Augustus Caesar
14-307 AD
Roman Empire
307-337 AD
Constantine and the Empire
The Dark Ages
751-768 AD
Pipin Unites the Franks
1066 AD
Norman Conquest of England

Middle Ages
1187 AD
Third Crusade
Richard the Lionheart and Saladin

1215 AD

Magna Carta Signed
1337 AD
Hundreds Years War Begins
Papacy Moved to Avignon 1305
Black Death Ravages Europe

Hundreds Years war ends
War of the Roses
Spain Unified
Columbus Crosses Atlantic
Michelangelo Begins Sistine Chapel1508
Reformation Begins
Ivan IV Crowed Czar of Russia
The Egyptians
2000-1550 BC
Middle Kingdom Egypt
Phonicians invent Alphabet
1446 BC Exodus
& Persia
750-612 BC
Assyrian Empire
586-432 BC Babylonian Captivity
Persian Empire
Alexander the Great &
The Hellenistic Era

264-146 BC
Early Expansion &
The Republic
Punic Wars
59-44 BC
Julius Caesar &
The Roman Empire
c.a.4AD Birth
c.a.30AD Death &
Life of Christ
330AD Capital moved to Constantanople
476 AD
Fall of Rome
732 AD Batte of Tours, Charles Martel victorious
800 AD
Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emporer
1086 AD Domesday Survey
800 AD
First Crusade
1145 AD
Second Crusade
1204 AD
Fourth Crusade
Sack of Constantanople by Western Army
1241 AD Mongols Invade Europe
The Renaissance
1431 Joan of Arc
Spanish Inquisition
Papal Line of Demarcation for Spain and Portugal
1533 Henry VII of England Excommunicated
1534 Act of Supreamacy
Henry VII Head of new Church of England
1555 Peace of Augsburg